
Back. In Black... well Gray and Red.

Hey all, as my friend already said, yes it's been a while since either of us posted, but as you can see we have a wicked layout and tons of thought provoking professors (... kinda) to post new things about. Of course, while he's in the exciting world of New York City (Population: 8,363,710), I'm toughing it out at Rider University in the middle of Bumfuck, New Jersey (sorry, Lawrenceville, New Jersey. Population: 4,081).

Lawrenceville, New Jersey is honestly one of the worst places I've ever been. Actually, now that I realize it, I've pretty much hated anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon Line (this summer I went to Salisbury, Maryland for about 20 hours. It was gorgeous).

Seriously, I've been sick three times in the past month. One month. And this was after the doctor's appointment where the physician told me I'm one of the healthiest people he'd ever seen. It can't be just a coincidence... can it? I mean, how come I've only been sick once yearly, and now it's been the third time in a month? It just blows my mind.

So here I am, lost in the middle of New Jersey, attending a school that is trying so desperately hard to kill me. I finally realized why: I'm a writer. I'm doing anything I can to make a living doing what I do best: write. Technically, we're making money off this blog (like... .33 cents per click or something), and this Saturday I'll be competing for $500.00 at Rider's annual poetry slam. Meanwhile, I'm working on my novel that literally requires more effort than every one of my classes combined.

Unless one takes into account the effort it takes to stay awake for Science of Light and Color PHY-103. So far, I've stayed awake for two classes. One out of sheer will power and a good night's sleep. The other because we were taking a quiz and were allowed to leave as soon as we finished.

Speaking of which, can you believe there's an actual organization that's the "international authority on light and color." I'm dead serious. They're called the Commission internationale de l'éclairage, or CIE for short. To basically sum up what they do, they get to decide what's a color and what's not. Yeah, because that's not total bullshit or anything.

Whatever. Let the French have their colorful thought police and we'll do things our way. The American way. The Anarchist way.

Damn right. Justification is back, baby.

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